3 Small Ways To Save The World

With over 8 billion people on this planet, it’s easy to sometimes feel like we’re insignificant. So many people, living their own lives, doing what they do in-and-out every day, forgetting at times that this planet is the only one we have. It’s no secret that climate change and the quality of our environment is an increasingly important issue, but how can we as individual humans do our part to help the planet? Believe it or not, it may not take a lot. Here are 3 Small Ways To Save The World.

1. Recycle
This one seems like a given, but doing our best to reduce waste can help a lot. Whether it be plastic bottles, cardboard, or old glass jars, find out how your local area handles recycling and follow those directions to minimize the number of materials you use that go to waste.

2. Save Water
If it’s turning off the faucet while you’re brushing your teeth, doing laundry in bulk, or getting into the shower before it “warms up”, trying your best not to waste water is very important.

3. Minimize Emissions
With the number of cars that are on the road every day, CO2 emissions are continuously being spewed into the atmosphere and harming the environment. If you’re unable to drive an electric or hybrid car, try to walk, run, bike, or take public transportation wherever you need to go. This will take away the emissions that you would have produced if you had taken a car.